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Belly Fat Has Been Shown to Predict ED

By Dr. Jerry Mixon July 26, 2013

By now everyone has seen those TV ads for erectile disorder drugs. And while they are useful for people who need them, an even better idea is not to need them in the first place.

What the ads don’t tell you is that the single best indicator as to whether or not you’re going to need their product is right in front of you, it’s the size of your belly. There is a direct relationship between the size of a man’s abdomen and his risk of needing erectile disorder drugs. Men with firm flat bellies rarely need these medications. Men whose bellies hide their belt buckles need help all too often.

Ladies, if you notice that the man in your life has an ever-expanding waistline, you might gently remind him of what the future may hold If things don’t change. And, give him help and encouragement in his weight loss efforts. The size of a man’s belly is the best predictor of erectile function.

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Green Coffee Shown to Enhance Weight Loss

By Dr. Jerry Mixon July 25, 2013

Pure Green Coffee Extract - Web

I’m often asked about the best supplements for weight loss. Most of the things I see sold have very little science to back them up. The exception to this rule seems to be green coffee extract.

Several well done peer-reviewed studies show that green coffee extract, in the range of 1100 to 1200 mg per day, does a good job of enhancing weight loss. Those who use an adequate dose of green coffee extract coupled with a reasonable diet and exercise program do a better job of losing weight than those who eat the same diet and do the same exercise without using the extract. There are also some indications that green coffee

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The Secret to Adult NON-set Diabetes

By Dr. Jerry Mixon October 9, 2009

Since I stopped practicing general family medicine and started dedicating myself exclusively to aging issues, there is one disease process that comes up again and again.  It’s the one on which I probably spend the lion’s share of my time as a clinical physician. That process is adult-onset, or Type II, diabetes. No mistake about it, it’s a killer and in America’s adult population, it’s a full blown epidemic. 

People worry a great deal about cancer, but your chances of getting cancer pale beside the one-in-three shot you have of developing diabetes before you die. People tend to overlook diabetes since the disease has been manageable for decades. But managed or not, over the long term it will still ravage your heart, eyes, and circulatory system. 

The thing that’s so crazy about diabetes is that we still have a tendency to view and treat adult-onset diabetes as a purely genetic disorder. The truth is, however, diabetes is like heart disease

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Cancer - An Ounce of Prevention

By Dr. Jerry Mixon September 30, 2009

Cancer has become a frighteningly common word in recent years. You read about it in the paper, hear about it on television, and even if you’re lucky enough not to have had it, you probably know someone who has. Worse still, if you believe everything you read or hear, it seems that just about everything we do in life is going to cause it.  Sunshine, peanut butter, chlorine and fluoride in your water, diesel fumes in the air, and the gasoline fumes you breathe when filling your gas tank, have all been indicated as factors that increase your risk of getting cancer. It’s enough to make a person want to crawl in a hole and eat nothing but anti-oxidants for the rest of his life. Despite all the scary news floating around out there, let me put some of this in perspective for you….

Firstly, it is important to understand what cancer is. Our DNA is comprised, to a large extent, of carbon. A small percentage of that carbon is radioactive and is constantly breaking

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Protein & Weight Loss

By Dr. Jerry Mixon December 12, 2008

The most important thing to understand about overall health and wellness, especially weight loss and lean muscle-building, is that it depends on several critical factors. A common misconception is that diet and exercise alone is enough to reach a healthy weight. At Longevity Medical Clinic our goal is to approach acquiring a healthy weight from all angles, identifying issues contributing to weight gain including hormone balancing, an appropriate supplementation regimen, and an adequate water intake and amount of sleep. And of course, a healthy diet that includes an ideal amount of protein and a focused exercise program will combine for ultimate success. Read more...

The following is a response to one of our Longevity patients who is

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