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How to Grow Thick, Smooth, and Attractive Skin

By Dr. Jerry Mixon July 27, 2013


One unpleasant aspect of normal aging is that we start developing wrinkles and creases on our faces. Botox and fillers have become the fix of choice.

While paralyzing muscles and injecting fillers under the skin covers up the problem, it’s not my favorite approach. I would rather help people grow thicker, more elastic, and more attractive skin. One of my favorite tricks is to have the compounding pharmacy make up a progesterone cream in a vanishing cream base. This can be applied lightly to the areas around the eyes, forehead, or mouth twice a day. The progesterone stimulates the skin to grow thicker and become more

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Do Our Labels Tell the Whole Story?

By Dr. Jerry Mixon April 29, 2011

We human beings seem to like to label things – the simpler, the better! This urge to put everything into simple categories definitely applies to drugs and supplements – we like to think that Drug A always has one particular effect, and Supplement B has a different one. Just take this pill or use this crème and, voila, you always get one simple outcome.

That may be tidy, but it’s seldom accurate. In the real world, the drugs and supplements we take usually refuse to cooperate with this fantasy. Instead, one compound can have many effects – and many compounds can have similar effects. Often none of these interactions seem to correlate very well to the labels we put on them.

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