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The Danger of Undertreated Gout
Gout is the most common inflammatory arthritis in America. It is more common than rheumatoid arthritis. It has the capacity to completely destroy your joints and leave you severely disabled. It’s acute attacks are exquisitely painful, in fact, they are usually described as agonizing.
And yet, except when someone presents with an acute attack, the disease is often not taken seriously enough by either patients or their physicians. If you suffer from gout, make sure your doctor puts you on a daily medication designed to lower your uric acid level. You need to be taking this medication every day, even when you are not having an attack. Your uric acid levels should be carefully adjusted to the middle of a healthy person's range. A uric acid level in the high normal range is not acceptable for you.
You can effectively cure this disease, but you need to take control of your care.

Spend Your Money on Something Other Than Your Annual Checkup
The annual medical checkup is worthless.
You have probably heard that you should go to your doctor at least once a year to get your annual checkup. But a recent meta-analysis of 14 large studies demonstrated that annual exams seem to have no significant impact on your health or survival. In fact, serious questions were raised about not just the unnecessary cost of the yearly routine physical, but about both the cost and harm being done to people due to over diagnosis and treatment of conditions that are found during the exams.
It seems that people who seldom or never get their annual physicals develop serious conditions, get hospitalized or die, at about the same rate as those who do. People who do go for their annual physicals spend a lot more money on both medications and medical care during their lifetime. But they are no healthier!
Spend your money with a comprehensive and preventative clinic like Longevity Medical Clinic. We believe we

Over-the-Counter Does Not Equal Safe
Over-the-counter drugs are not necessarily as safe as you would think.
One of the most common classes of over-the-counter drugs used in America is usually referred to by doctors as NSAIDs. These are drugs such as Motrin, and Advil. We take them for headaches, sore muscles, and general aches and pains. But what most people do not recognize, is that these drugs resulted in 120,000 Americans being admitted to the hospital with serious bleeding from their stomach and bowel last year alone. Even scarier is the fact that 16,500 Americans died last year from the use of these drugs.
Just because a medication is sold over-the-counter does not mean that it safe. In my own practice, I use a mixture that contains four separate botanicals, each of which have potent anti-inflammatory effects, but have no documented gastrointestinal bleeding problems. I seldom use NSAIDs. Click here for

Type 2 Diabetes: Cure vs. Remission
With an aggressive cutting-edge program, over 70% of type 2 diabetics can be returned to normal blood sugars; normal insulin levels have no further need for diabetic medications. The question is, are these patients in remission or have they been cured?
In my practice, I have found that with a combination of innovative hormonal support, increased physical activity, and significant diet changes, most type 2 diabetics can effectively be returned to normal. I usually tell them that they have been cured. But some physicians prefer to say that these patients are in remission, because if they were to return to their old lifestyle, their diabetes may return.
But if all of their tests are normal, how can I claim that they are still diabetic? What you think?

About Tinnitus
A patient recently wrote to ask me for a blog entry about a relatively common but often misunderstood condition called tinnitus. While tinnitus is not something we normally treat at Longevity Medical Clinic, I want to be responsive to any listener request – so let me shed some light on this topic. I warn you that the news is not particularly encouraging.
Tinnitus is a persistent phantom sound. It can range from a high-pitched whine to a low-pitched rumble, and it most likely occurs as a result of acoustic nerve irritability. Tinnitus can be extremely annoying to the sufferer and it also tends to be difficult to treat. How common is tinnitus? Estimates vary widely, with some studies claiming that more than one in four Americans experiences tinnitus at some point in his or her life. Chronic tinnitus is estimated to afflict anywhere from fewer than 10% of Americans to nearly 20%.