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The Five Worst Foods

By Dr. Jerry Mixon May 11, 2014


Stay far, far away from these foods and you'll be feeling fine. Just like it matters what type of oil or gasoline you put in your car, the same is true for your body. Don't sacrifice with a low-grade pantry. Upgrade to the best and your body will thank you!

  1. Partially Hydrogenated Vegetable Oils / Trans Fatty Acids -- Hydrogenated fats are fats that are one step away from plastic. Plastic is virtually indestructible by biology, including in our bodies. This means that foods made with hydrogenated fats will not spoil or go stale as fast. Unfortunately, these oils are
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The Simple Truth About Cardiac Risk

By Dr. Jerry Mixon June 25, 2012

Thanks to modern medical advances, there are an almost unlimited number of tests doctors can administer to determine who is at the greatest risk of heart attacks, strokes and dementia. Take the simple cholesterol test, for example: today we doctors can subdivide your cholesterol into seven or eight or even nine smaller subtypes and analyze your risk of cardiovascular disease, even if you appear to have “low” or “normal” cholesterol. Physicians today can administer a battery of expensive tests for just about everything.

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Cholesterol & Heart Disease Part 3

By Dr. Jerry Mixon January 9, 2012

Is their higher level of testosterone the reason men have an increased risk of heart disease compared to women? For many years doctors have thought so. This belief seems to have grown largely out of the fact that women generally tend to have lower risk of cardiovascular disease than men (at least until after menopause). Because estrogen has a significant anti-inflammatory effect in the blood vessels, and because we think of testosterone as the opposite of estrogen, for a long time the medical community presumed that testosterone must increase the inflammation that can lead to heart disease.

We now know that, like estrogen, testosterone also has a potent anti-inflammatory effect in the arteries. Testosterone isn’t part of the problem – but it can be part of the solution.

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Cholesterol & Heart Disease Part 1

By Dr. Jerry Mixon November 9, 2011

We all want to live long, happy and healthy lives – and taking care of our hearts is an essential part of good health and longevity. In this blog I want to tell you a bit about cholesterol and how this complex substance relates to heart disease. In an upcoming blog we’ll look at how to prevent the build-up of the wrong kinds of cholesterol so that we can maintain or restore good heart health.

There was a time when doctors thought of cholesterol as a single compound. We now know that cholesterol actually comes in a wide variety of sizes and shapes, and the names we give to these types are based on their density. The lightest and most buoyant cholesterol is now classed as “very low density lipoprotein” or VLDL. For a variety of reasons, VLDL is the most problematic form of cholesterol you can have in your bloodstream. The second common form of cholesterol is abbreviated “LDL,” which stands for low-density lipoprotein. This form of cholesterol is the most

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The Anti-Cancer Toolbox

By Dr. Jerry Mixon March 22, 2011

As a physician, there is probably no single question I get more frequently than “What causes cancer – and how can I avoid getting it?”

We human beings always tend to look for that “one elusive thing” that will solve our problems. Even doctors do it. But the reality is that many things in life are made up of many small factors which combine in mysterious ways to produce big results. Cancer is one of those big things. There are many relatively small contributors that “cause” cancer and affect how it grows and spreads, and this complexity is why questions about cancer’s cause and cure are so difficult to answer.

In this blog we’ll focus on a few tips for cancer prevention. In upcoming blogs we’ll consider some supplements you should consider that we believe will help reduce your risk of getting cancer, and also suggest some things you can do if you already have cancer.

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