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A Glass of Wine a Day May Make Your Vision Go Away

By Dr. Jerry Mixon August 7, 2013


A single daily glass of wine with dinner may rob you of the ability to read, drive, or even watch TV.

Age-related macular degeneration is a common condition in which the central 20/20 vision area of the eye degenerates over time. While peripheral vision is preserved, you permanently lose the ability to see details. A recent study of 21,000 people over a 12 year period, demonstrated that drinking as little as 1 ounce of alcohol, which is one 6 ounce glass of wine, one can of beer, or one shot of whiskey per day, increased the risk of macular degeneration and permanent damage to your vision by

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Grandma Was Right About Carrots

By Dr. Jerry Mixon July 17, 2013


Most of us recall that as children we were told to eat carrots to improve our night vision. Now a scientific study has validated grandma’s advice.

It turns out that while carrots do help, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, spinach, kale and collard greens all do the same thing. A recent research group enrolled 120 healthy long distance truckers who are on the road an average of 10 hours a day. They took either 20 mg of lutein or placebo each day for one year. At the end of the year, their eyes were carefully examined. The macula, that part of the eye responsible for detailed vision, was found to have more pigment and greater sensitivity in those who took the lutein,

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Preventing AMD: Keep your eye on what you eat!

By Dr. Jerry Mixon June 25, 2008

The number one question I get about eyes is… “Can you fix my eyes so I don’t need reading glasses anymore?” The best answer is…probably not, but there is hope! Somewhere around 40 most of us start losing the ability to flex our lens enough to see close up. By 50 I had reached the point that I needed weak reading glasses in dim light. Within three months of starting a total hormone replacement program including growth hormone, I was able to put the glasses away. I bought myself almost 10 years free of granny glasses. But eventually time and gravity always win and once more I am straining to see the small print.That reminds me of a more serious issue, the increasingly common “Age-Related Macular Degeneration”, or AMD. The macula is a small area in your eye with the highest concentration of visual receptors. Most people don’t realize that this is the only part of your eye that sees details, the 20/20 part of our eye. Most of the eye can pick up motion, colors, and

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