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index.php : Page Tag : erectile-dysfunction
How to Treat Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction may be undesirable but is common. Fortunately, there are many treatments available to improve men’s sexual health and relationships. Learn more!
What does ‘antiaging’ really mean?
Would someone define “antiaging,” please?
One of the difficulties inherent in running Longevity Medical Clinic is that I never know exactly how to describe my practice. I don't particularly like the term “antiaging” because I'm not exactly sure what it means. Obviously we all connect emotionally with the idea of looking, feeling and functioning as though we were younger than we are – it’s a compelling thought, one that has been around for centuries. But the obvious reality is that we can’t truly reverse our age: that, as any sci-fi fan knows, involves warping space and time, and somehow shifting us to an earlier point in the space-time continuum. While the quantum physics folks tell us that subatomic particles do this on a regular basis, I'm somewhat at a loss as to how to do it with an intact human being.
Sexual Vitality: A Better Approach
Few topics are of greater interest to my patients than sexuality. And why not? A rich and rewarding sex life is something men and women enjoy and appreciate. But today’s advertising paints a pretty weird picture!
Most of you have seen the barrage of ads on TV and in newspapers and magazines for drugs claiming to cure “E.D” – erectile dysfunction. When I see these relentless ads for drugs like Viagra and Cialis, I always laugh at the fast talking disclaimer at the end, where the announcer (reading a script surely written by the Legal Department) says something like, “Be sure to check with your doctor to make sure you are healthy enough for sexual activity.” The purpose of this disclaimer is to protect the company: if you do get over excited and topple over dead while making love, this careful wording ensures that it’s your family doctor who gets sued rather than the multi-billion dollar drug company.
But it also raises a larger and more