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Can I Have a Normal Body Weight and be Obese?
Typically when you or your doctor take your height and weight you end up with a BMI (body mass index) measurement. This is simply a ratio of weight to height and is a somewhat useful tool for determining overweight or obesity when looking at a large population. On an individual level, however, it tends to fall short of revealing the whole story. For example, one can have a very high muscle mass and be labeled as overweight or obese. This is typical of many athletes and bodybuilders, but does not reflect the average person.

Is it Prevention or is it Early Diagnosis?
Everyone seems to agree that prevention of disease is critically important, but most of what doctors do under the heading of preventive care is not prevention, it’s really just early diagnosis.
Pap smears and mammograms don’t prevent breast and cervical cancer; they help us diagnose them early. Prostate exams, chest x-rays, and your annual physical don’t prevent disease, they help us find it early. It is possible not to have a disease, but still be weak, tired, and overweight, while robust good health means being fast, strong, lean, smart, and sexy.
But fast, strong, lean, smart, and sexy pretty much define optimal health, and optimal health requires you and your doctor working together to change your lifestyle, enhance your diet and supplements, move your hormones back to a robust youthful level, and boost your immune system. This is the direction I think medicine should be moving.

Green Coffee Shown to Enhance Weight Loss
I’m often asked about the best supplements for weight loss. Most of the things I see sold have very little science to back them up. The exception to this rule seems to be green coffee extract.
Several well done peer-reviewed studies show that green coffee extract, in the range of 1100 to 1200 mg per day, does a good job of enhancing weight loss. Those who use an adequate dose of green coffee extract coupled with a reasonable diet and exercise program do a better job of losing weight than those who eat the same diet and do the same exercise without using the extract. There are also some indications that green coffee

Put Down the Cocktail - Pick Up the Fat Burn
Alcohol is a potent metabolic poison that makes you fat. While many enjoy the occasional glass of wine with dinner, or an evening cocktail, most people don’t realize the impact that this has on their weight.
As long as there is any alcohol in your system your liver puts aside other tasks, such as carbohydrate metabolism to pay attention to getting rid of the alcohol. The result is that virtually every calorie that comes through the liver in any form gets rapidly turned into fat, so the liver can give its full attention to burning the alcohol.
From a practical standpoint, this means that as long as you have any alcohol in your bloodstream, you are making fat rather than burning it. Over time, those few extra hours of fat production every day result in a significant increase in your weight.
If you’re serious about losing weight, the first thing you need to do is take alcohol out of your diet.

Type 2 Diabetes: Cure vs. Remission
With an aggressive cutting-edge program, over 70% of type 2 diabetics can be returned to normal blood sugars; normal insulin levels have no further need for diabetic medications. The question is, are these patients in remission or have they been cured?
In my practice, I have found that with a combination of innovative hormonal support, increased physical activity, and significant diet changes, most type 2 diabetics can effectively be returned to normal. I usually tell them that they have been cured. But some physicians prefer to say that these patients are in remission, because if they were to return to their old lifestyle, their diabetes may return.
But if all of their tests are normal, how can I claim that they are still diabetic? What you think?