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Over-the-Counter Does Not Equal Safe

By Dr. Jerry Mixon July 21, 2013

Over-the-counter drugs are not necessarily as safe as you would think.

One of the most common classes of over-the-counter drugs used in America is usually referred to by doctors as NSAIDs. These are drugs such as Motrin, and Advil. We take them for headaches, sore muscles, and general aches and pains. But what most people do not recognize, is that these drugs resulted in 120,000 Americans being admitted to the hospital with serious bleeding from their stomach and bowel last year alone. Even scarier is the fact that 16,500 Americans died last year from the use of these drugs.

Just because a medication is sold over-the-counter does not mean that it safe. In my own practice, I use a mixture that contains four separate botanicals, each of which have potent anti-inflammatory effects, but have no documented gastrointestinal bleeding problems. I seldom use NSAIDs. Click here for

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